Sunday, December 15, 2013

When life gives you spinach...

I got a free bag of fresh spinach from work soooo I made one of my husband's favories:Creamed spinach: saute 2 chopped up cloves of garlic on low heat with a tblsp of butter ( about 2 minutes) You need to watch so this doesn't burn..if cooked low and for onlt 2-3 minutes,  it will be a sweet buttery mixture.  Add a bag of fresh spinach a little at a time and saute until wilted. Mix 2 tbsps flour into about 1/4 heavy cream and add to spinach..just add more cream if it gets too thick. Grate about 1/4 cup parm or Romano into the spinach and season to taste. This will be sweet, creamy and buttery; but not pungent! ENJOY!! Prep time 2-3 minutes. Cooking time 10-15 minutes.

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